Why You Must Get Your Cavities Treated Fast

Dentist Blog

Has your love for candy and your lack of brushing your teeth led to you getting numerous cavities? If you never make dental appointments because you are afraid of pain, it is wise for you to go ahead and get your cavities treated before you end up with worse problems. Take a look at the information below to find out what might happen if your cavities are not treated soon enough.

17 March 2016

2 Advantages Of A Dental Implant

Dentist Blog

Dental implants are popular tooth replacement options. They replace the entire missing tooth instead of simply the crown as other tooth replacement applications do. A dental implant restoration consists of an implanted rod or screw, an abutment and a prosthetic crown. The rod or screw is made of titanium, which is a biocompatible metal. Thus, there is less chance that the implanted screw will incite an immunological response. The abutment serves as a connection between the screw and the dental crown.

17 March 2016

Are Lingual Braces Better Than Traditional Braces?

Dentist Blog

If you or your child needs to get braces, then you will need to figure out which type of braces is best for your situation. There are vast differences between each type of braces, in terms of cost, comfort, and overall user experience. To help you get a better idea of which type is best for your situation, here is a comparison of traditional braces and one of the more uncommon alternatives: lingual braces.

17 March 2016

Questions And Answers About Teething

Dentist Blog

Baby teeth, also known as the primary teeth, first start to appear between the first 4 to 15 months after birth. You may not know what to expect or how to care for them. Here are a few questions and answers to help prepare you for teething: What is the normal eruption sequence? Normally, the central incisors (the central two front teeth of the upper and lower jaws) appear first. The lateral incisors (the teeth on either side of the two central teeth) appear next.

17 March 2016

Reducing The Stress Of Dental Checkups

Dentist Blog

If you experience anxiety at the thought of visiting your dentist, you're not alone. Up to 15% of Americans avoid visiting a dentist, even if they know that they need attention, just because they're afraid. While dental phobia is something that should be addressed with a physician or therapist, simple dental anxiety can be reduced. Try these steps to make it easier to maintain your oral hygiene by seeing your dentist regularly.

17 March 2016

3 Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

If you are suffering from teeth that have a great amount of discoloration, you may be looking for ways to brighten your smile. There are many different whitening applications that can help minimize dental discoloration. Here are a few of them: Over-the-counter Whitening Applications There are various whitening kits and products available for purchase at local drug stores without a prescription. These whitening products are usually peroxide-based gels, rinses or toothpastes.

17 March 2016

Considering A Gum Lift? Know These 4 Things

Dentist Blog

When you have imperfections with your smile that make you feel self-conscious, the solution could be a gum lift.  The procedure involves reshaping your gums in a way that improve the overall look of your teeth, in addition to being helpful with other procedures like adding veneers.  If you are considering this cosmetic dental procedure, know these 4 things about it. Why Gum Lifts Are Done Gum lifts are a great way to improve your smile.

17 March 2016

Signs Of Cavities & Kid-Friendly Lollipops To Help Prevent Them

Dentist Blog

Cavities, that aggressive and malicious problem that creeps up on kids is actually the number 1 childhood chronic illness. You should be prepared to help your child keep cavity-causing bacteria away with the help of a dentist, like the ones at Rupp and Grabowski Family Dentistry. This guide will show you a lollipop treat that may help protect your child's teeth as well as a few cavity warning signs to look for.

17 March 2016

3 Questions You Might Not Think To Ask A Dentist

Dentist Blog

Everyone knows how important it is to go to the dentist regularly. It isn't a surprise that you need to have your teeth cleaned and an exam to determine whether you need additional dental work or not. However, there is much more to a dentist than just that. Oftentimes, people don't think about some of the other things that a dentist does. Here are three questions that many never think to ask a dentist.

17 March 2016

How Does What You Drink Impact Your Dental Implants?

Dentist Blog

You know that your teeth can decay from foods and beverages that contain a lot of sugar. But once you have titanium dental implants and ceramic or porcelain teeth put in, do you still need to worry about how what you drink impacts them? Yes, you definitely do. When you first have dental implants installed, it's vital that your body get the right nutrition to heal -- which usually doesn't include alcohol or sugary drinks.

17 March 2016