Signs Of Cavities & Kid-Friendly Lollipops To Help Prevent Them

Dentist Blog

Cavities, that aggressive and malicious problem that creeps up on kids is actually the number 1 childhood chronic illness. You should be prepared to help your child keep cavity-causing bacteria away with the help of a dentist, like the ones at Rupp and Grabowski Family Dentistry. This guide will show you a lollipop treat that may help protect your child's teeth as well as a few cavity warning signs to look for.

How Will This Anti-Cavity Lollipop Help?

The secret to this treat lies in its ingredients, which are the following:

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been found to contain several types of fatty chains that your body breaks down during digestion. The fatty chains are broken down the moment coconut oil touches the enzymes in your child's saliva. The enzymes release an acid that is quite effective against the kind of bacteria that can lead to tooth decay.

Cinnamon Oil

Another great ingredient to add to this lollipop is cinnamon oil because it contains a powerful active ingredient called cinnamic aldehyde. This is ingredient gives cinnamon its refreshing aroma and its antibacterial properties. Cinnamic aldehyde attacks several types of bacteria like the kind that lead to cavities and the kind responsible for bad breath.

Raw Honey

The last ingredient that you want to pay attention to is raw honey. Raw honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which is very toxic to oral pathogens that can eat away at your kid's teeth. You should also know that raw honey also helps stop bacteria from producing dextran; a kind of bacteria glue that pathogens use to stick to your child's teeth, leading to plaque and gingivitis.

Remember that these lollipops are not meant to cure cavities; leave that to your dentist.

Making The Lollipops

Follow the steps below to make your lollipops:

  1. Warm 1 cup of pure and organic maple syrup over medium heat. (This is a natural sweetener)
  2. Use a candy thermometer to help determine when the syrup has reached 270 to 280 degrees.
  3. Turn off the fire, and stir in 3 tablespoons of raw honey.
  4. Add 5 to 7 drops of cinnamon oil and coconut oil into the blend.
  5. Place droplets of the blend on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  6. Insert a clean lollipop stick into the droplets, and let them harden, which could take about an hour.

Warning Signs To Watch Out For

Prevention can only go so far, even one as sweet as a lollipop, especially if your child already has cavities. Watch out for the following:

  • Constant bad breath
  • Noticeable discoloration on the surface of your child's teeth
  • You see dents or holes on your child's teeth
  • Your child's teeth are sensitive to cold or hot temperatures
  • He or she experiences toothaches (these aches can get severe and need to be treated as an emergency because the cavity might have reached the roots of your child's tooth)

Talk to your dentist as soon as you notice any of these symptoms because it is best to deal with a cavity as soon as possible.


17 March 2016