Dental Office Interventions For Severe Tooth Pain

Dentist Blog

Many people will experience dental pain at some point in their lives. While a toothache is a very common complaint that often has no known cause and resolves without any specific treatment, severe throbbing toothaches are considered dental emergencies that need to be addressed as soon as possible. Here are some interventions the professionals at your dental office may provide to help identify the source of your symptoms.

Dental X-rays

Your dentist will probably recommend dental X-rays to help uncover the source of your pain. Dental offices are equipped with various types of diagnostic imaging equipment to take X-rays such as bitewing images and panoramic images. Bitewing X-rays are familiar to most dental patients because before the X-ray is taken, the patient is asked to bite down on a hard piece of cardboard or plastic. While a bitewing X-ray is not considered a painful procedure, certain people may find it unpleasant.

You do not need to bite down on the X-ray material when undergoing a panoramic X-ray. This imaging test captures images from your entire oral cavity instead of just from a specific location in the way a bitewing does. Dental imaging tests can reveal sources of severe dental pain such as cavities, impacted teeth, periapical abscesses, broken teeth, and jaw problems.

Probing Dental Examination

In addition to visualizing the inside of your mouth for tooth and gum abnormalities that may be the source of your pain, your dentist will conduct a probing dental examination. They will use pointed dental instruments to probe between each of your teeth to identify sources of bleeding, inflammation, drainage, and sensitivity. If you complain of pain when your dentist probes a certain area of your mouth, they will focus on that specific area to rule out the cause of your discomfort.

Combined with your diagnostic imaging tests, your comprehensive oral examination will most likely reveal the cause of your severe tooth pain. Once the source has been identified, a treatment plan will be recommended. If your pain is caused by an abscessed tooth, antibiotics may be prescribed. If the source of pain is related to an impacted molar, an extraction may be recommended. A malocclusion, also called an uneven bite, can also cause significant pain, and if your X-ray reveals this condition, your dentist may refer you to a maxillofacial specialist for further treatment.

If you develop severe tooth pain, visit your dental office as soon as possible so that an emergency treatment plan can be implemented. Once the source of your pain has been identified and treated, your pain will fade away so that you can focus better on your normal routine. For more information, contact a dental office near you.


2 August 2023