What Kinds Of Dental Care Do You Need To Have A Healthy Mouth?

Dentist Blog

Keeping your teeth healthy is vital, as your teeth must last a lifetime. But how do you keep a healthy mouth? You can do this in several ways. First, you need a thorough daily care routine for your mouth. Secondly, you need dental care. Continue reading to learn about the types of dental care you need to have a healthy mouth.

Six-month cleanings

The first service you need for your oral health is routine dental cleanings. Many people get cleanings every six months. However, some people may need them more often. For example, you might need them every three months if you suffer from periodontal disease.

Routine dental cleanings remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. A dentist might clean your teeth. Otherwise, a dental hygienist performs this service. After getting your teeth cleaned, they'll look nicer. Your teeth will also be cleaner and have a lower risk of developing cavities.

Fluoride treatments

You also need fluoride treatments to protect your teeth. Fluoride strengthens the enamel on your teeth, and you should get professional treatments every six months. In addition, you can use fluoride toothpaste and mouth rinse products to expose your teeth to the fluoride they need.

Yearly X-rays

Getting X-rays is also a vital step for improving your oral health. Most dentists recommend taking X-rays yearly. However, you might need them more often if you have oral issues. For example, a dentist will take additional X-rays if they need more clarity about a potential oral problem. X-rays show dentists areas of the mouth they can't see by looking.

Dental work as needed

Finally, you might need dental work completed if you have issues. For example, suppose your dentist finds decay in a tooth. The dentist will recommend removing the decay and filling it. This process is called dental filling. A filling fills the hole after they remove the decay and prevents the decay from spreading. You might also need a tooth extraction if you have a tooth the dentist can't fix. There are many other forms of dental work you might need, and your dentist will tell you if you need anything completed to fix oral issues.

Contact a local dentist

If you don't have a dentist, you should find one. After all, good oral health relies on routine dental care. So find a family dental care professional in your area and schedule an appointment to improve your oral health.


6 April 2023