3 Signs Your Child May Require Orthodontic Care

Dentist Blog

As a parent, you want the best for your child. Therefore, you most likely make sure they brush, floss, and visit the dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. During one of these checkups, your child's dentist may recommend a consultation with an orthodontist. Even if you feel your child is too young for braces, many children can benefit from orthodontic care. As a matter of fact, most experts believe an orthodontic consultation is imperative for children no later than 7 years of age. If you are like many parents, you may be wondering why orthodontics could be necessary at such a young age. Here are a few signs your child may need orthodontic care.


Crossbites are one of the most common issues affecting young children, but you may not even realize your child has this type of misalignment.

Crossbites occur when the jaw deviates to the side, preventing the upper and lower set of teeth from lining up properly. In most cases, crossbites can wear down your child's teeth and cause pain in the jaw. Without orthodontic assistance, crossbites will cause a permanent misalignment of your child's jaw.

Most crossbites can be restored at an early age using a palatal expander, which fits in the roof of the mouth. Connected to teeth on both sides of the jaw, the expander helps realign your child's bite to a more even and normal position.


Without sufficient space in your child's mouth, their adult teeth will not be able to erupt in an aligned, normal manner. This is known as crowding, which is another problem that should be addressed by an orthodontist.

Crowding can lead to crooked teeth, which affects your child's appearance and self-esteem. Crowding also places unnecessary stress on your child's teeth, which can lead to erosion, decay, and tooth loss.

Braces are a common treatment for children with overcrowding teeth. Even though your child may seem too young, braces are essential for early and effective treatment to prevent further dental and orthodontic issues.


Overbites and underbites are also common issues that affect many children. Many parents believe these issues are only cosmetic, affecting their child's appearance, but that is not actually true.

Overbites and underbites prevent the upper and lower jaws from lining up evenly, which can lead to speech and chewing problems, stress on the teeth and jaw, and even jaw pain as your child ages.

Depending on the severity of these bite misalignments, orthodontists may recommend an expander, braces, or both at one time. For more information, reach out to orthodontic clinics like Reed & Sahlaney Orthodontics, LLP.


27 January 2019