FAQs About Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

Have you been researching dental implants because a few unanswered questions are holding you back? This guide will answer two frequently asked questions about dental implants that are common causes for concern so you can approach the procedure with confidence.

1. Am I Eligible for Dental Implants?

A handful of factors can have an effect on the success of dental implants. There must be enough bone tissue beneath the missing tooth to support the implant screw. Certain drugs can have negative interactions with the anesthesia used during oral surgery, and tobacco or alcohol use may increase the risk of implant failure.

In general, dental implants are a good tooth replacement option for people of any age. In extreme cases where jaw bone deterioration has made implant installation unfeasible, oral surgeons may be able to use bone grafting to repair the jaw and support an implant. Almost anyone can become a good candidate for dental implants with minor lifestyle or medication adjustments.

2. Is Dental Implant Surgery Difficult?

Dental implant installation actually consists of two separate, minimally invasive surgical procedures that are usually completed over the span of several months. During the first visit, the oral surgeon places the implant screw into the dental socket and covers it with gum tissue.

After the implant has integrated with the jawbone and the gums have healed, the surgeon will attach an abutment to the implant during a second visit to hold the dental crown. In most cases, each procedure can be completed in an hour or two. After your gums have healed from placing the abutment, you will have one more short appointment with your dentist to take a mold of your bite, create the new dental crown, and place it on the implant.

Some people are wary of getting dental implants because they are concerned about pain. Dental implant patients can rest assured that they will only feel mild pressure during each procedure thanks to local anesthesia. Swelling and inflammation of the gums during healing can cause mild to moderate discomfort, but your dentist will provide pain management solutions for your recovery.

Millions of people have enjoyed the results of dental implants over the years, and dentists do not want their patients to approach the process with unnecessary anxiety. Talk to your dentist for answers to any other questions about dental implants you may have so you can find the best replacement option for your smile.


13 September 2021