Pediatric Cavities: 3 Common Myths And Facts

Dentist Blog

Cavities are a common dental occurrence among children, yet many myths about them abound. Listed below are three common pediatric cavity myths and the truths behind them.

Myth: Early Decay Requires a Filling  

Fact: Decay that is detected early can usually be reversed with proper dental care.

With increases in dental technology, tooth decay can now be detected before it has even become a cavity. While early detection is great in terms of prevention, it can sometimes lead to unnecessary fillings. With the proper education and care, cavities can be avoided in the majority of early decay cases. This is great news because it means your child won't be subject to unnecessary care which can lead to anxiety and fear.

Myth: You Don't Have to Worry About Cavities in Baby Teeth

Fact: Baby teeth act as placeholders for your child's adult teeth. Early decay and loss can lead to trouble in the future.

While baby teeth do eventually fall out, they play a very important role in your child's future dental health. Failure to treat cavities can lead to further decay and even infection. Both of these things can permanently damage the roots of the teeth and can lead to early loss. Losing a tooth before the adult tooth is ready to come in can result in crowding later, where adult teeth are fighting each other for room in the jaw. The best way to prevent this and other issues with adult teeth is to properly care for your child's baby teeth and teach them to do the same.

Myth: If Your Child Has "Soft" Teeth, Cavities are Inevitable

Fact: If your child is prone to cavities, it has nothing to do with the hardness of their teeth but instead, the bacteria they've been exposed to.

Cavity-causing bacteria can be easily passed between family members, which is why it seems as if bad teeth run in the family. If your child seems prone to cavities however, don't fret – prevention is possible. Regular dental visits and constant vigilance are necessary when it comes to prevention in your cavity-prone child. Changes in diet, such as cutting out sugary drinks and limiting carb intake, can also help to curb the decay.

If you have further questions about cavities and what you can do to help your child further prevent them, speak with a dentist, like the ones at Family First Dentistry LLC. They can answers any questions, address your concerns, and educate you and your child on best cavity prevention and general dental care tips. 


22 June 2015